

Zerode Announces The All New 29" Katipo

We didn’t hold back on this one.

Re-think what you thought you were capable of on a bike, this big wheeled weapon will infect you with a dangerous amount of confidence and leave you waiting for your mates at the bottom of the trail.

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Yoann Barelli Presents Treasure Trail Squamish BC Double Black Diamond

Yoann Barelli take his viewers on the world's toughest trails and shows you how to ride them.

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YT Announces The Decoy E-Bike Line

Forchheim, Germany: With the DECOY bike manufacturer YT Industries brings their first E - MTB to the market and pro ves that the brand can also build toys with batteries that own the steeze. With an iconic design, innovative technologies and an unbeatable performance on the trail , YT interprets the E - MTB topic in its very own way and guarantees customers even more fun while riding.

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Drew Bezanson vs Joyride 150


Abstract 2 - Alius No Bad Days Mountain Bike Movie


Guerrilla Gravity Is Going Carbon in 2019!!!

Here at Guerrilla Gravity, we dream big. Driven by our mission to “make mountain biking more awesome,” we’re always looking for better ways to do things. We've always stood true to our values of efficiently building tough, easy to work on, and fun to ride bikes. Our testing and personal ride preferences lent themselves to the qualities of steel and aluminum while keeping our eye on material advancements being adopted by the bike industry, notably carbon fiber.

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