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Lezyne Partners With Team Norco International

San Luis Obispo, CA – Lezyne is proud to announce a partnership with Jill Kintner and Bryn Atkinson of the newly formed Team Norco International for the 2012 season. Jill Kintner, an Olympic BMX Bronze Medalist, is one of the most dominant female cyclists in the world, and is ready to take on the 2012 race circuit in DH, 4X, and DS. Bryn Atkinson is a top downhill racer on the World Cup scene who has come up through the ranks along side some of the industry's best. Jill and Bryn are dedicated to toping the podium at every race they attend around the world.

Lezyne has known Jill and Bryn since their days of racing for the Transition Bicycles / Crankbrothers team. Jill contacted Lezyne in November 2012 about her new team with Bryn. "Jill has been a great ambassador for Lezyne and for women's cycling. We are so happy and excited to be working these two star athletes again in 2012", says Patrick Ribera-McKay, Lezyne's Worldwide Marketing Manager.

Team Norco International will be riding with Lezyne pumps, CO2 inflators, multi-tools, bottle cages, tire repair, soft goods and LED lights. Along with representing the brand, Jill and Bryn will provide Lezyne with valuable product feedback gathered from putting Lezyne products through their paces in training and on the international World Cup scene.


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