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Neko Mulally To Race In Mexico And Indonesia Next Month

While the official race season may have come to a close, Neko Mulally (USA) will still be keeping busy with two major events in very different parts of the world.

The first event will be next week in Taxco, Mexico. The Downhill Taxco, November 2 and 3, is a street course that meanders through the village, even passing through two houses, and is billed as the most spectacular race in Mexico. The organizers have personally invited Neko and put up more than $10,000 in prize money.

Shortly after his return from Mexico, Neko will be boarding a flight heading west to Asia, visiting the country of I ndonesia for the first time, where he'll be hosted by the local Trek distributor. The Asia Pacific Downhill Challenge Cup has been happening for a few years now and has attracted the likes of Sam Hill (AUS) and Troy Brosnan (AUS) in the past, and this year Gee Atherton (GBR). With $10,000 prize money being awarded across the first 5 placed men, it's another off-season race that rewards the top riders who make the long trip.

Neko says: "I'm very excited for the weeks to come as I will have the chance to travel to new places and participate in some really cool events. The urban race in Mexico is something totally new to me and I'm really looking forward to finally racing one of these legendary street races held in Latin America. Following that, I can't wait to go to Indonesia and getting to see that part of the world. It seems to be a really legit downhill track with some top competitors attending and a lot of media coverage; the perfect time to put down a solid result. It's the off-season now and my training has not been as specific as it is closer to the race season, but I've been riding my bike a whole lot the past month and really feel like I will be strong for these races."

Results will be posted on Trek World Racing's website shortly after each event.

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