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Tri-Ride Checks Out The 2011 Zerode G-1

"A bike like the Zerode G-1 requires a different approach than most traditional downhill bike. The gearbox is quiet beyond belief, it happens sometimes wonder if he's really working. The fact of not hearing the noise of the chain that falls on the pinion creates a feeling of comfort and reliability. Fluency and accuracy are the notes that sound the Shimano Alfine. Even under stress by pushing on the pedals we have never perceived a lack of transmission. The position of the chain parallel to the sleeve up and the tensioner on the right side of the hub makes the bike extremely quiet, also on punishing routes with rocks and roots.

The fact that the weight is for the most part placed in the center of the bike plays a decisive role. The G-1 flows wonderfully! Just a very balanced weight allows a firm response when you push on the pedal and change direction. The friction of the ground seems to fade away under the wheels.

Sensational the shock Fox DHX RC4 Kashima Coat with striking sensitivity and ability to absorb shocks. The system will pull the wheels of the paste G-1 to the soil, seems to be on track. The Zerode reminded us of the first sensations experienced on board the Sunday a few years ago. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, no matter what's in the middle. The G-1 Driving is so, eating rocks, rocks and roots. In a nutshell “Sam Hill style”!

Fast and smooth on the bike technician can maintain high speed even in situations where normally you would be inclined to pull the brakes. The G-1 squirts between the asperities giving a strong sense of acceleration. Even on the trail fast and compact the bike behaves very well, in maintaining impeccably precise trajectories. We noticed a few’ of loss of adhesion, in some circumstances, only because of the tires mounted (Kenda Mucus 2.35 DTC front and Kenda Blue Groove 2.35 DTC rear). It may not be suitable for most of the covers have to navigate the rocks and wet roots, at least not so hard compound."

Zerode G-1 Test By TRI-RIDE

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