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Tragic Death of Kelly McGarry

Shattering news out of New Zealand: Mountainbike freeride star Kelly McGarry has died on Monday, 1st of February 2016. Exact circumstances and details are not yet released. Everybody at Kelly’s bike sponsor YT, is deeply saddened and shocked by his death. A truly unique character has been lost today.
One of the most likeable mountain bike riders has passed away in Queenstown on Monday, February 1 2016. Which conditions have led to his tragic death are still unclear at this point. Apparently, the 33-year-old was out on his mountain bike.

The entire crew at sponsor YT is absolutely perplexed about the shocking news:

We were informed about his death in the morning and are petrified, shocked and heartbroken about losing one of our family members. Kelly was a warm-hearted, friendly and relaxed guy. He stood for the true essence of mountain biking through every aspect of his life. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, girlfriend and his friends. The mountain bike world lost an exceptional character.

We consider it an honor that Kelly was riding for the YT Family last year.

Ride in paradise!

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