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Stund Season 3 Episode 2 Williams Lake

Hello fellow mountain bikers! It's time again and we have something pretty rad to show you! Episode 2 takes us to Williams Lake, the hometown of James Doerfling. Notorious for big mountain ski style lines, this was the perfect place to set out on our mission. This was a first for us possibly for anyone. Rent a Heli, fly it to the back country, point and ride. No shovels, no scoping, no clue on how it was going to go. Our journey into the unknown. As per usual, some of us got a little greedy. We also found some really fun singletrack through the mossy forests of the Carboo Interior. We slung up some cable cams and had a lot of fun playing in the dirt. It was some the greenest and loamiest (if that is a real word) dirt we've ever had the pleasure of sinking our tires into. Epiode 2 is about discovery, greed, loss, and payback. Glad you're with us Romo, that was one crazy ride buddy!

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