
Entries in FMB (6)


Brandon Semenuk In ACT 1


Anthony Messere - Raw 100

Raw 100 is a video series designed to highlight the talent and creativity of filmmakers. It's said that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, and this series celebrates that.

The rules for each video are simple: 100 seconds in length, no slow-motion footage, and no music. By having to work within these limitations, filmmakers have to shake up the box and put their creativity on blast.

In this edition, Canadian freerider Anthony Messere teams up with cinematographer Rupert Walker to capture Messere's private jumps which are located near his home in British Columbia. Sit back and enjoy the effortless flow and amplitude that Messere is known for in the video above.


White Style 2016 - Official Highlightclip 

While Europe is celebrating its beautiful winter months, the alpine region of Saalfelden Leogang, invited some of the world’s best slopestyle riders to the 10th year anniversary of the mountain bike slopestyle event, White Style. The battle between the athletes was the greatest in the event history. Szymon Godziek (POL) clinched a consecutive victory after beating Matt Jones (GBR) in last runs of the contest. A pleasant sight was also seeing Russia’s Pavel Alekhin winning another best trick here at White Style. The Russian athlete won the Best Trick Contest back in 2013 as well. Next to the giant slopestyle course made from snow, a mountain bike downhill race took place. Just before the White Style finals, Austrian hero Fabio Wibmer won the Scott Snow Downhill Dual Race in front of Austria’s top UCI Mountain Bike Downhill World Cup rider Markus Pekoll.


26TRIX Highlights 2015 

Antoine Bizet had the run of his season in Bikepark Leogang at the FMB World Tour Gold event 26TRIX during the Out of Bounds Festival. Knocked off the top spot in the last moment, Nicholi Rogatkin takes second place and wins the GoPro Best Trick. Combo master, Thomas Genon takes third place on the podium.

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Highlight Clip From Vienna Air King 2015

That’s a wrap! The 10th edition of the Vienna Air King is done and dusted. A weekend in the sun at Vienna’s Rathausplatz was topped off by the awesome dirt jump contest. Crazy airtime, up to 9 meters high, gave the world’s best athletes enough time to throw down their gnarliest tricks.