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DVO Welcomes its Newest Member of the Team

Valencia, Ca 01/21/2013 DVO Suspension is pleased to announce Troy Jungheim as the latest addition to the DVO crew. He will be responsible for European sales of Aftermarket and OE as well as event support across Europe. With 20+ years of industry experience Troy will add some Euro flavour to the DVO team.

Troy was born in the USA but spent his first 17 years travelling through Europe with his family and has learned to adapt to many different cultures and challenges. During the younger years he raced BMX for Kuwahara and Mongoose so bikes have always been in his blood. At 18 he joined the military and served in Desert Storm as well as drug enforcement Ops in S. America. In 1992 he got back into the bike scene pretty heavy in So Cal and worked his way up from shop floor to become a top notch sales person. His first Industry job gave him the motivation to learn every aspect of the business. He has held positions in Big Brand named companies like Bell Helmets, Marin Bikes, Fox clothing, Ritchey, Syncros, 661, Sunline and Royal clothing handling outside sales, inside sales, sales manager, marketing, warranty tech, and event coordinator. Good with a wrench and he knows how to huck it. In 1999 an opportunity came about to take him back to Europe where he felt most at home and he has been there ever since. In his time travelling he has been to 57 different countries and speaks multiple languages. This has given him a unique outlook and allowed him to really get to know the different markets in Europe. Still just as passionate about bikes as the first days of riding he spends his rideable season shredding some of the best trails in Europe.

Troy will add a presence to the DVO team that you could not get unless you live the life of a nomad. Communication and customer service are key elements in being on the front line to launch the DVO brand across Europe.

“I am very happy to join such a solid crew of industry veterans. It will be a pleasure working with likeminded people who know a thing or two about bikes! My first few days after joining the DVO team I knew I felt right at home. I have a great deal that I can learn from them all and I hope that I can teach them a thing or two that I have learned along my journey in this amazing industry. I live for biking and like nothing more than a sweet 45 minute descent in the Alpes with a super tuned machine. DVO is my calling and I am very proud to be part of the team.”….Troy Jungheim

Let’s ride!

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